Port Saint Lucie Drugs and DUI Lawyer | Jonathan Jay Kirschner, Esq.
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Middle School Teacher Hit with Drug and DUI Charges

Port Saint Lucie Drugs and DUI LawyerA 37-year-old former science teacher at Anderson Middle School in Stuart is facing drug and DUI charges after crashing into a stop sign and driving erratically on Okeechobee Road. As per the St. Lucie County Sheriff’s Office, another law enforcement agency saw the man crash into the stop sign as he was driving from a residential area. That’s when a sheriff’s deputy located the vehicle. He followed it and witnessed it go through a red light. A second deputy who was also following the car then saw the it hit a curb and drive into the wrong lane of traffic. The car then drove into a parking lot with a blown out tire.

One of the deputies who spoke with the driver reported that the man appeared to be intoxicated and had difficulty following simple commands. It was reported that he had slurred speech and fell asleep during questioning. Upon a search of the vehicle, syringes, a spoon and a rock believed to be crack cocaine were discovered. The rock and spoon tested positive for cocaine, and the driver was taken into custody. A spokesperson for the Martin County School District said that the teacher submitted his resignation a day later.

Under Florida law, a person can be charged with DUI for operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of drugs. Even a first conviction is punishable by up to six months in jail. In his DUI defense practice, St. Lucie County DUI defense attorney Jonathan Jay Kirschner has successfully completed the Mastering Scientific Evidence Seminar sponsored by the Texas Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers and National College for DUI Defense.

Florida drug offense penalties are also harsh. Even possessing illegal drugs with the intent of delivering them to somebody else is punishable by up to three years in prison.

Port Saint Lucie Drugs and DUI Lawyer Jonathan Jay Kirschner, Esq.

Port St. Lucie criminal defense lawyer Jonathan Jay Kirschner is board certified by the Florida Supreme Court as a criminal trial specialist. Remember that the prosecution has the burden of proving you guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. You’re under no obligation to help it with its case against you. Protect and invoke your right to remain silent and your right to an attorney. Don’t give the police a statement or confession of any kind. You’ll be doing yourself a favor when you contact Jonathan Jay Kirschner at 772-489-8501.

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