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Fort Pierce Firearm Defense lawyer Ever since the trial of George Zimmerman for the shooting of Trayvon Martin in 2012, the discussion of gun rights and state gun laws has gotten heated, especially in Florida. The Stand Your Ground law is tested regularly, and gun owners are coming out strongly for the Second Amendment. The...
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Taco Bell in Fort Pierce Damaged During Armed Robbery A Taco Bell in Fort Pierce, Florida, was damaged following an armed robbery. The Fort Pierce armed robbery incident occurred on Saturday February 22, 2014. The robbery was allegedly perpetrated by a former employee at the restaurant. A man told police that he was sitting in...
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Fort Pierce Man Arrested For Assault after dispute with Neighbor  A conviction for assault in Florida can lead to years in prison and thousands of dollars in fees and fines. While basic, or simple, assault is a misdemeanor which carries up to 60 days in prison and a $500 fine, felony aggravated assault can result...
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Man Arrested for Attacking Uncle with Toilet Seat   In one of the strangest cases in the history of the state, a man from the St. Lucie area of Florida was arrested after attacking his uncle with a toilet seat lid, according to authorities.The young man, who is 20 years old and named Norris Troutman,...
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Fort Pierce Drug and Firearms Criminal Lawyer   Florida has some of the toughest drug and firearms laws in the nation. With mandatory minimum sentences for drug possession and heavy fines, conviction can ruin a life. Possession of 20 grams of marijuana, for instance, carries a $5,000 fine and up to five years prison time....
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Fort Pierce Cocaine Sting   Florida laws are tough on illegal drugs. Persons convicted of trafficking in substances declared illegal, including marijuana and cocaine, face substantial jail time. The authorities in the Fort Pierce area strictly enforce these laws and are serious about taking illegal drug traffickers off the streets. Because of the heavy penalties...
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Organized Fraud: A Systematic Approach To Defense The court system uses many broad terms to describe certain crimes, from assault to theft. As a leading Fort Pierce organized fraud lawyer, Jonathan Jay Kirschner & Associates understand that this charge can be severely damaging to reputations while remaining extremely vague. Examining local cases that fit the...
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Explosive Arrest in Okeechobee County Regardless of what a person is arrested for, he or she always has the right to remain silent and has the right to an attorney. Everyone is entitled to due process and is therefore innocent until proven guilty. A recent example of the importance of an attorney was the event...
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Grocery Store Owner’s Criminal Charge Dismissed !! C.R. owns several grocery stores throughout Florida—-one of the few remaining independent, entrepreneurial grocery chains still in operation.   His retail outlets offer produce, meats, fresh fish, canned goods—-the full panoply of items found in the major grocery chains, but on a smaller, customer friendly scale. Florida Fish and Wildlife agents...
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DUI In The News With a younger brother declared dead several years ago, Dominic Porcaro has many problems. Newly divorced and retired, Porcaro has had several DUI arrests in the past, including one right before he went boating. After failing a police officer’s DUI test, Porcaro was arrested and jailed for a short time. After...
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