As serious as mere possession or distribution of photos deemed inappropriate by the Florida Legislature, using one’s computer to solicit a “child” for sexual activity is deemed many times more serious by Florida’s laws. (See: Ch. 800.04,(7)(b) Fla. Stat. The typical sentence of Fort Pierce computer solicitation arrest carries a maximum term of imprisonment of fifteen (15) years.
Here’s the rub.
The “child” being “solicited” does not have to be a “real” child.
In fact, most prosecutions are not directed at true sex offenders, but rather at citizens who may be fantasizing, or merely “chatting” on line with “undercover” children, who in fact are seasoned and experienced police detectives, who are well trained at ‘luring’ otherwise innocent, fair-minded people into compromising situations.
No sane person seeks to protect true sexual predators—–but arresting, aggressively prosecuting, and imprisoning innocent citizens is not what the law was designed to accomplish.
To thwart one of these prosecutions requires a professional team approach involving technology consultants, investigators, and Board Certified Criminal Trial Lawyers who have years of experience in defending these highly specialized criminal matters. Contact Jonathan Jay Kirschner, Esq., & Associates. Board Certified Criminal Trial Lawyer specialist Jay Kirschner is unsurpassed in his dedicated, aggressive defense of these cases.